Work trip to Pingelly again yesterday. Pingelly is nice, I've said that before. About an hour and a half out of Perth, nice buildings, lots of trees. I think it has a bit of character because its on a little hill, when most of WA is flat as a board, and its managed to hang on to lots of its older buildings, pubs, banks, shops, cottages etc. Lucky for it, it appears not to have gone through any booms in the 60s and 70s so has avoided having its older buildings replaced by new, naff, ones.
I like the font in this signage, it reminds me of a certain world-dominating soft drink brand. I expect at some time this sign read "Pingelly Butchers" or whatever this shop is, as opposed to just telling you where you are. Even though its looking a bit tatty, I hope they leave it as it is.
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