
outskirts update

Hello there. Busy times at the moment, trying to organise my stall, but I think I have it all covered. Pretty much. I hope. About two weeks ago I did a bit of a test run of prints (the top photo) to help me choose which prints I would sell. I had about 45 I quite liked but with the help of a specialist team of market researchers and several focus groups, I narrowed it down to 25. I have them all printed now (the other photos above), I have all the other bits and pieces I need, and tomorrow's task is to package them up and make them look nice. I hope you can drop by next Sunday and choose a favourite one to buy. There will be large ones (8 x 12) and small ones (5 x 7). They will fit nicely and look lovely in a cheapo Ikea frame. For details of the event go here. And remember, I am in Hook Lane, so come and find me... 10-4, next Sunday, William St Northbridge. See you there!



Anonymous said...

Must have been hard to narrow down to 25 there is SO MUCH great stuff on ColourH......have fun at the fair.

Helena said...

thank you!