I took these while wandering around Northbridge with a friend yesterday. She got a new camera, and I was showing her a few things about how to use it. At one stage we stopped for refreshments at a newish small bar that shall remain nameless. I asked the guy behind the bar if it was ok if we took photos, as I was trying to show my friend how to shoot in low light, and the guy rolled his eyes and said "I guess so... as long as its not for some blog". Ha!
At the time I was kind of like, whatever, no big deal, but I found myself thinking about it and I still can't quite get it. What, you have a problem with free publicity? You don't want pictures of your bar circulating and informing people of its presence? You don't want word to get out on the internets that you run a business? Weird. For the record, I did take a few pics in there but they didn't work out very well. I don't think my heart was in it. I didn't try hard to take nice photos because I knew I wouldn't be able to share them. So rest assured bar guy, pictures of your establishment are not going to be posted on some blog today!
At the time I was kind of like, whatever, no big deal, but I found myself thinking about it and I still can't quite get it. What, you have a problem with free publicity? You don't want pictures of your bar circulating and informing people of its presence? You don't want word to get out on the internets that you run a business? Weird. For the record, I did take a few pics in there but they didn't work out very well. I don't think my heart was in it. I didn't try hard to take nice photos because I knew I wouldn't be able to share them. So rest assured bar guy, pictures of your establishment are not going to be posted on some blog today!
1) outside Rechabites Hall 2) foyer of the old Chung Wah building 3) laneway, Aberdeen St 4) laneway behind Rechabites Hall 5) off Roe St behind Red Stripe Clothing.
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