
black & white

This is cute and clever I think. Seen in King Street the other day. I wish I had touched it to see if it was chalk, or if its painted on to look like chalk. They seem to be doing some renovations to His Majesty's Theatre where, I assume, the WA Ballet lives. I have no idea who it was, but I do remember having a conversation with someone about how cramped it is in there, with all their costumes and sets and things, which is why they are looking for a new home. I think they were going to move to the former Blind Institute in Maylands - a great building, I would love to see inside - but I am not sure if that got resolved.

Happy New Year!



Vicky said...

Happy New Year Helena and don't play up tonight LOL

Helena said...

Hi Vicky! I hope you had a good night last night. All the best for an awesome 2011!