
The Colour H calendar 2012

Hey, it's here! The Colour H calendar for 2012. Featuring a lovely selection of all-Perth, all-awesome, super colourful photos. And the good news is that they are for sale and you can buy one. You really should! It will look lovely in your living room. Or maybe the kitchen? They are $28 (plus postage*) via Red Bubble (go here). Pretty good value for a whole year of nice things to look at I reckon. Hmm... shiny... colourful... nice.
*Perth folks I will order some so if you don't want to pay postage and buy direct from me, send me an email. Also I have some already, so if you want to have a look before you buy, just let me know.


graham said...

Yes please! I'll see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Yes please, speak to Ruby about my Christmas pres.....Mumsie